Rare Cats Abound At The Serengeti Park in Germany : The World We Share

Four white lions and four white tigers were photographed climbing over each other in their compound at Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, Germany on Wednesday.

The rare babes will likely keep the zoos staff on their toes for time to come.

In October their 6-year-old white tigress, Bianca welcomed four beautiful cub.   It is the third litter for Bianca at the Serengeti Park. The three male cubs are called Snowy, Ice and Mohan and their sister is named Shiva. Bianca, who was originally from Italy, has been at the zoo since the fall of 2006.

At the end of November, one of the zoo’s white lioness’ Loona (born 2007), also gave birth to a set of quadruplets; two females are called Kim and Eve, her two boys, Thabo and Lio. Loona is from Gauteng in South Africa and has lived in the Serengeti Park since January 2010.

The eight cubs had a blast during the photo session.  The day also marked the first time they had been separated from the mother and examined.