Rare Francois Langur Monkey Gives Birth To a Red-Haired Baby at London Zoo : The World We Share

Keepers at the ZSL London Zoo were excited when first-time mum Lu Lu, a rare Francois Langur, gave birth to the red-haired baby on September 1st.

While mom, Lu Lu, and dad Neo, are dark black in colour the baby, nicknamed Tango, is covered head-to-toe in bright orange fur.


Zookeeper Kathryn Sanders said: “Baby Tango is currently rocking the redhead look, but it won’t actually be ginger for very long.” “Its fur will begin to darken at around three months of age, and they are usually completely black by the time they reach six months old.”

The yet-to-be sexed baby spends most of its time snuggled up to mum, other females in the compound also help out with babysitting duties.