Wild Life

The jungle is home to a variety of exotic animals, large, small, quiet, noisy, etc. that make it a wonder of nature . All cohabit, however each has its space and habitat . Among the most common, we have:


This beautiful specimen is characterized by being lonely and very quiet . Inhabits the South American jungle and feeds on termites and ants. The anteater has dense fur, brown and black. He has no teeth, but strong nails that allow him to break the nests of insects to eat. Its snout is long and has a tongue developed enough to catch its food. In relation to its reproduction, it covers 190 days and the young are usually born in summer or spring .


This primate is the largest species in the whole family, lives in the jungle, specifically in Africa , and lives in a herd. Their diet is herbivorous : fruits, herbs, leaves , among others, actually have a very healthy diet .

Its displacement is done on all fours, its forelimbs being a little more elongated compared to the posterior ones. If we talk about your reproductive system, it lasts 9 months and during all this time the mother keeps her baby with him.


This small mammal lives in the jungles of Central and South America , however, it is not always known as armadillo , since it is called in different ways according to the country where it is located. It is known as: mulita, tatú, toche, furry and quirquincho.

This curious animal is nocturnal, usually eats leaves and insects and stands out for extensive armor, sharp and elongated claws, and for being an expert digging holes. To escape predators, the armadillo uses his armor as protection , curls up and thus saves himself from being eaten.


Known as the black mamba , it is one of the most dangerous and poisonous snakes of all the snakes. It inhabits Sub-Saharan Africa and can be observed most of the time in tree branches . The black mamba is very fast and daytime customs. It feeds on mice, lizards, small hares and birds.


This large animal lives in West Africa and there are two species: pygmy and common . The hippo is a short-legged mammal , its body is thick and round and has a large head. The characteristic that stand out the most are its two nostrils located above its snout. This huge specimen has no hooves , but it has four on its legs.

Nile Crocodile

This animal lives in the waters of the Nile River in Africa . But it can also be found in Madagascar Island and in sub-Saharan regions. The Nile crocodile is imposing and very strong, it can weigh approximately between 200 and 250 kg and its length is four to five meters .

Their food is carnivorous , they usually hunt their prey in the water, if a herbivore comes to drink water, it will take it hard, drown and then devour them.


This feline is one of the fastest in the entire jungle , although it can also be found in savannas or forests . The leopard is also able to roar and use this loud sound to protect and scare anyone who tries to threaten it. It has sharp retractable claws, which it uses when hunting.

This animal is nocturnal , during the day it can be seen resting on tree branches or in some foliage. The leopard is solitary , only the breeding stage is close to the female, from where up to six puppies leave per litter .

Types and Groups of Jungle Animals

The jungle is characterized by its natural biodiversity : plants, trees, and animals in general. This time we will mention the jungle animal groups. We find:

Jungle Predators

These animals favor the balance between carnivorous and herbivorous animals in the jungle. Among the best known predatory animals , we find: Jaguar, puma, leopard, tiger . They usually hunt animals of all sizes, such as: Wild boars, deer, tapir, among others. Reptiles also enter this group of predators, one of the strongest are the crocodile and the rock python.

Big Jungle Animals

The elephant is considered the largest animal in the jungle , specifically in the jungles of Africa. We also found the tapir, considered the largest jungle animal in Latin America, and the capybara or chigüire (the largest rodent in the world).

Jungle Birds

If there is a large population, they are the birds of the jungle . Its diversity is extraordinarily large. In this bird of the jungle, we find: Macaws, cockatoos, toucans , among others. The birds feed on fruits, seeds and sometimes soft tree barks.

Jungle Primates

The jungle could not be complete without the primates . These wonderful specimens are the most representative of wild nature . In the group of primates we find: chimpanzees, gorillas, howler monkeys, squirrel monkeys, spider monkeys, capuchin monkeys.

Among the types of jungle animals, there are:

Arachnids: (like tarantulas and other spiders, scorpions, scorpions).
Birds: (like toucans and parrots, among others).
Amphibians: (like toads and frogs).
Insects : (such as beetles, butterflies, ants, mosquitoes).
Mammals : (like jaguars, primates, sloths, rodents).
Reptiles: (snakes, chameleon, crocodiles, turtle, among others).
Worms: (all kinds of worms).