Linton Zoo in Cambridgeshire is celebrating the first of the spring arrivals after three adorable Turkmenian Eagle Owlets recently made an appearance.
Sadly the chicks’ inexperienced mother rejected them at birth so the cute trio, which weighed in at just 50 grams, are being hand-reared with the help of the zoo’s staff…and another fluffy friend… a stuffed toy owl! Much like newborn babies the chicks, named Igor, Yelena and Misha, need to be fed every three to four hours and are now well on their way to becoming fit and healthy.
The Turkmenian Eagle owl is one of the largest and most spectacular owls in the world and is closely related to the large European Eagle owl. Sadly though, it is believed to now be extinct in its original wild range around Turkmenistan, there are also very few in captivity so these three Easter chicks are very important individuals, although they may not realise it!
Both parents of these special birds were also hatched at Linton and their dad “Pip” is 22 years old this year.